Orangeville Public Library no longer charges overdue fines on books, audiobooks, magazines, DVDs and puzzles.
Fees for lost and damaged material will continue to apply. Fines will also apply to items borrowed from other libraries and our Passes and Things collection, including Wi-Fi SmartSpots, Launchpad learning tablets, Chromebooks, CVC and Ontario Parks passes, MOD pass, power meters, radon detectors and the Book Club and STEM kits.
Material Type | Loan Period | Limit / Card | Renewals | Fine / Day |
Books and magazines | 28 days | 50 | 3 | fine free |
Audiobooks | 28 days | 10 | 3 | fine free |
WonderBooks | 28 days | 5 | 3 | fine free |
DVDs | 7 days | 5 | 3 | fine free |
DVD sets | 28 days | 5 | 3 | fine free |
Puzzles | 28 days | 2 | 3 | fine free |
CVC and Ontario Park passes | 7 days | 1 | 0 | $1.50 / day |
Chromebooks | 7 days | 1 | 0 | $1.50 / day |
Launchpad Learning Tablets | 28 Days | 1 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
Museum of Dufferin (MOD) pass | 7 days | 1 | 0 | $1.50 / day |
Power meter | 28 days | 1 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
Radon detector | 42 days | 1 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
STEM kit | 28 days | 1 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
WI-Fi Smartspot | 7 days | 1 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
Book Club Kit | 42 days | 2 | 0 | $0.20 / day / book |
Public Health Kit | 7 days | 50 | 3 | $1.50 / day |
Interlibrary Loan | 7 or 28 Days | 50 | 0 | $2.00 / day |
What does this mean for you? |
Overdue fines will no longer be applied to your account for fine free items. You’re still responsible for returning everything you borrow. Please do your best to return items on time so other members of the community will be able to enjoy them. Once your item is six weeks (42 days) overdue, it will be marked “lost”; the replacement cost and a $5 processing fee will be applied to your account. If the item is returned in good condition within six months of the due date, the replacement charge will be removed or refunded. However, the processing charge will still apply. Six months after the due date, the item is yours to keep and the replacement charge and processing fee will be owed. Borrowing privileges will be suspended when you have accrued $50 in fines and fees. This will also impact access to online services such as Libby and Hoopla. |
What notifications will I get when material is due? |
Under the new policy, notices will be sent out more quickly and replacement fees will be charged sooner. For patrons who receive email notices, you will get a courtesy notice 3 days prior to the due date. The first overdue notice is sent the day after the item's due date. You will receive additional weekly notices before an invoice is issued at six weeks overdue. |
How many times can I renew items? |
Most library material can be renewed up to three times as long as it has not been requested by another person. Items can be renewed using the library’s online catalogue, by email, in person and by phone. The following items cannot be renewed: CVC pass, Ontario Parks pass, MOD pass, Chromebooks and Book Club kits. You must contact library staff to renew your SmartSpot or items borrowed from other libraries. To renew an item online, log in to your library account with your library card number and PIN. The drop down menu is on the top right (blue with your user name). On the menu click Checked Out. Click on the title(s) you wish to renew. Click the Renew button. A popup message will let you know if your renewal was successful. |
What items have overdue fines? |
Fines will apply to items borrowed from other libraries and our Passes and Things collection, including Wi-Fi SmartSpots, Launchpad learning tablets, Chromebooks, CVC and Ontario Parks passes, MOD pass, power meters, radon detectors and the Book Club and STEM kits. Overdue fines are charged per day on any of these items that are not returned by its due date. |
So, no matter how late I return books, I’ll never be charged a fee? |
No. You are still responsible for returning library material on time. Once your item is six weeks overdue, it will be marked “lost” and the replacement cost and a $5 processing fee will be applied to your account. As long as it’s returned before it becomes six months overdue, the charges (minus the processing fee) will be removed. |
What do I do if my account is blocked? |
Once your item is six weeks overdue, it will be marked “lost” and the replacement cost and a $5 processing fee will be applied to your account. Borrowing privileges will be suspended when you have accrued $50 in fees. To unblock your account, you need to return the overdue material (within 6 months) or pay any outstanding monies owed on your account. Please visit either location to pay any outstanding fees. The library accepts cash, debit and cheque. |
I want to go on vacation, can I get a longer loan? |
Longer checkout periods are available for some titles. Please ask about vacation loans when checking out your materials. |
I found a library item that I paid for? |
If you return a library item that you paid for in good condition and within six months, we will provide a refund of the replacement cost only. You will receive a cheque from Town Hall that will be sent by mail (4 to 6 weeks). If you find the book after six months, it is yours to keep. |
I think of my fines as a donation to the library, can I still make a donation? |
Yes! Financial donations will continue to be gratefully received by library staff. |
Why did you decide to go mostly fine free? |
We want everyone to be able to access their public library without having to worry about financial penalties if they bring back materials a few days late. There are still fees because if material is returned late, it is not available for other members of the community to use. Everyone should be able to access material that supports their educational, entertainment, and life goals. |